How to Get Cat Pee Out of Shoes


How to Get Cat Pee Out of Shoes? Felines make magnificent colleagues. They are low-upkeep, don’t need long strolls or exercise, and love to nestle us as we gorge our cherished streaming show. They make the ideal pet for somebody who works a ton, lives alone, or likes to travel. Notwithstanding, assuming you have never had a feline, you may not realize that these animals will more often than not do what they need when they need.

Maybe your feline is a holy messenger, however a more youthful feline or one that isn’t very polite can cause some harm. For a large group of different reasons too, you might have come to observe that your cherished pet has peed in or on your beloved pair of shoes.

How to Get Cat Pee Out of Shoes? Each relationship hits a difficult situation. Assuming you and your feline are going through a pee circumstance, you could need a few hints on the most proficient method to get feline pee out of shoes. We’re here to give you some extraordinary cleaning arrangements that will figure out the substance of your shoes so you can return to cherishing your shaggy cat. There is a way how to get cat pee out of shoes.

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Guide: How To Get Cat Pee Out of Shoes in 2023?

How To Get Cat Pee Out of Shoes From 2022
How To Get Cat Pee Out of Shoes From 2022

How to Get Cat Pee Out of Shoes? There are many household products that you can use to clean cat pee off and out of your shoes. Cat urine has a strong odour, so it’s crucial that you not only clean it out but eliminate the smell. Take a look at these cleaning solutions.

1. Baking Soda

Baking soft drinks are known for their capacity to kill scents. Individuals utilize baking soft drinks in their sock drawers, in pantries, in the cooler, and in shoes to absorb scents and eliminate foul smells. It works similarly also in a kitty pee circumstance.

A straightforward answer for disposing of that smell left behind by feline pee from your point of view is basically to pour some baking soft drink straightforwardly within it. Allow it to stay there for a couple of hours and permit it to absorb the smell. After some time has elapsed, shake the baking soft drink out of your shoes. It’s critical to take note that utilizing baking soft drinks won’t spotless your shoe, so you should in any case scour out the stain before your assault the smell.

2. Vinegar

Vinegar is a very standard family item that has been utilized for both cleaning and sanitizing for quite a long time. It’s likewise the ideal answer for polishing out feline pee stains from shoes. To address feline pee from your perspective utilizing vinegar, blend even pieces of water and vinegar in a compartment or your kitchen sink. Utilize a wipe, a cloth, or a cleaning brush, plunge them in the arrangement, and use it to wash the fluid from your shoe.

As a little something extra, you can blend a rejuvenating ointment or a scented dish cleanser to assist with the smell. Add a couple of drops to your vinegar and water answer to leave behind a new fragrance like lavender or pine. Once you have cleaned the affected area, let your shoes sit out to dry. If your shoes still smell foul after they have dried, you can attack the odour with the baking soda method up above.

3. Hydrogen Peroxide

Another common household product, hydrogen peroxide is a great way to clean your shoes when your cat has made a mess in them. Take the hydrogen peroxide and pour a small amount directly on the affected area of your shoe. Let your shoe sit and dry for a few hours. Once you feel that the spot is dry, take a clean cloth or rag and soak it in warm water.

Scrub the affected area with the warm, damp rag, removing both the cat stain and the hydrogen peroxide. Dab the area with a dry cloth to remove excess moisture and let your shoe air dry the rest of the way. Be careful when using hydrogen peroxide, as it may stain certain fabrics or colours.

4. Sprays & Deodorizers

The number of products that pet companies make is pervasive, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that they would create products that address stains and smells. If you’re not interested in DIY methods, try visiting your local pet store or supermarket and browse their pet cleaning section. There are tons of fabric sprays, and cleaning products made precisely for situations like this.

In addition, there are also plenty of shoe deodorizer products that make it super easy to remove foul smells and odours from shoes, simply by placing the product in your shoe overnight.

5. Clothes Washer

While some shoe organizations and specialists will tell you not to place your shoes in the clothes washer, many do-it-yourselfers have attempted with extraordinary accomplishment to wash their shoes thusly. This is an astounding choice for getting feline pee out of your shoes. It’s commonsense, effective, and over the long haul, you end up with all-over cleaner shoes.

Priorities straight: you really want to actually take a look at two things. The first is to really look at the material of your shoes. A decent guideline to adhere to is that assuming your shoes are produced using any creature-based texture (cowhide, calfskin, and so forth), you ought not to toss them in the washer as it will probably demolish them.

You likewise shouldn’t wash shoes in the washer that have fragile materials like glossy silk or silk. These materials regularly require exceptional consideration, and you will seriously harm them in the clothes washer.

Set your washing machine to a cooler temperature. If you can set the exact temperature, opt for one 30 degrees or colder. If your machine has more basic settings, just set your dial to cold water. Setting your machine at a lower temperature will help keep the integrity of your shoe intact without damaging the fabric or running the colours.

Speaking of colours, try to use a detergent that’s colour friendly. There are tons of colour laundry detergents. Choose any brand that you’re comfortable with and use it to protect the colour of your shoes. If you’re washing white shoes, then you can also grab a whites-only detergent that has additional bleach to help whiten the colour.

After you have washed your shoes in the washing machine, take them out and skip the dryer step. Unlike your clothes, your shoes should not go in the dryer. The high heat used in most dryers can damage fabrics and melt any glues that were used in your shoe’s construction.

For What Reason Did My Cat Pee in My Shoes?

My Cat Pee in My Shoes
My Cat Pee in My Shoes

How to Get Cat Pee Out of Shoes? It could be a finished secret why, all things considered, your feline chose to involve your shoes as its own bathroom. All things considered, your feline is potty prepared and ordinarily goes in the litter box, so what’s the arrangement?

It’s crucial to address this worry since there might be something more profound happening here. Rather than making the hasty judgment that your feline detests you and needs to carry on, you might need to consider that there could be a going thing on to cause this explosion.

1. Medical Problems

How to Get Cat Pee Out of Shoes? Explicit medical conditions can make your feline pee outside of his litter box. Assuming you have observed that your feline has been peeing in a few spots around your home, for example, on the floor, on furnishings, and in different regions, he could have a urinary lot disease.

Other medical problems that can make your feline fail to keep a grip on its bladder incorporate kidney illness and diabetes. These issues can be not kidding and require clinical consideration. Along these lines, before you reprove your kitty, make a meeting with your vet to check whether something different is going on.

Other wellbeing elements can assume a part in your feline, not needing or not having the option to utilize his litter box. More established felines regularly foster joint inflammation, so while he knows he should do his business in the litter box, he may not truly have the option to venture over the edge to get in.

Now, your feline will go anyplace he can get to. To settle this issue, you can attempt to track down a little box with a more limited edge or an incline. This will make it simpler for your feline to get into the litter box and do his thing.

Other medical problems can once in a while cause your feline to feel “off.” Unlike individuals, felines can’t simply approach us and let us know what’s up. In this way, they will more often than not carry on when there’s something not exactly right with them. Everything thing you can manage when you see an issue with the litter box or pee propensities is to plan a visit to the vet.

2. Neatness

How to Get Cat Pee Out of Shoes? Your feline may likewise be keeping away from the litter box as a result of its condition of tidiness. As people, we as a whole realize that there are not very many things as horrendous as utilizing a messy bathroom.

Felines are in a tough spot here on the grounds that they can’t handle the condition of their “bathroom” – no one but you can do that. It would inquire as to whether we anticipated that our felines should keep on utilizing a litter box that was malodorous and brimming with the previous removals.

All things considered, in the event that their litter box smells horrible and hasn’t been kept clean, your feline will find elsewhere to go to the washroom. Many individuals imagine that assuming they utilize scented kitty litter, they can go longer without clearing out the crate.

This is totally false

The truth stays that there are defecation and pee, in that case, day by day, so it ought to be cleaned all things considered. Envision involving the latrine in your home however just flushing it a few times per week. No washroom splash and aroma on the planet will conceal that wreck.

You should scoop the litter box consistently. A few specialists even suggest scooping on various occasions a day assuming you have more than one feline sharing a crate. Felines have a more grounded feeling of smell than people do, so when they share a litter box, they need to take in the aroma of their own items alongside their housemates.

Make the best decision and ensure your feline’s litter box is reliably cleaned consistently. In any case, be ready to view it as dropping somewhere else in your home.

3. Stress

How to Get Cat Pee Out of Shoes? Another explanation your feline may be peeing outside of his litter box is that he is worried. Once more, creatures have no chance of verbally letting us know what’s going on with them, so they need to show us in various, in some cases whimsical ways.

Assuming your feline is worried or restless, it very well may be because of a clinical explanation or their current circumstance. Peeing in different areas makes you aware of the issue as well as eases tension. The smell of your feline’s pee really quiets the feline since it’s recognizable to them.

At the point when pushed, your feline could really be showering or denoting his domain too. Splashing is an extraordinary sort of pee, and felines will quite often do this more when they are worried.

Give your all to dispose of whatever is causing your feline pressure. Maybe somebody in the house isn’t treating your feline sympathetic, or your feline becomes pushed around different creatures. Assuming you can track down the explanation, do your best to alleviate it and stop the peeing.

4. Sort of Kitty Litter

How to Get Cat Pee Out of Shoes? Each feline is unique and has various inclinations. Very much like you frequently need to play with various food sources to suit their processing and propensities, you might need to do likewise with the litter in their litter box.

Individual kitty litters can really feel awkward on a feline’s foot, and we as a whole realize that felines love their solace. Assuming you have observed that your feline has begun peeing outside of the litter box and there isn’t anything restoratively amiss with him, have a go at changing out the litter.

Keep away from feline litters that utilization mud, corncobs, or reused paper, as these are altogether fixings that can make distress your feline’s feet.

Cats likewise will generally get their preferences, abhorrences, and propensities from their moms. Assuming that you approach your feline’s mother or her proprietors, attempt to figure out what sort of feline litter they use. Changing to a similar litter as your feline’s mom might take care of your concern.

Frequently Asked Question:(FAQ).

Q. How Would You Get The Smell of Feline Pee Out of Shoes?

A basic answer for disposing of that smell left behind by feline pee from your point of view is just to pour some baking soft drink straightforwardly within it. Allow it to stay there for a couple of hours and permit it to absorb the smell. After some time has elapsed, shake the baking soft drink out of your shoes.

Q. How To Get Pee Out of Your Shoes?

Blend 1 tablespoon of dish-washing fluid with 2 cups of cold water in a little bowl. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar (to clean the region and separate the corrosive) to the arrangement and delicately mix. Dunk a clean microfiber material into the arrangement.

Q. How Would You Eliminate Dried Feline Pee?

Vinegar is a corrosive that kills the antacid salts that structure dried pee stains. Blend an answer of one section of water and one section of vinegar and apply it to dividers and hard floors. You might blend shortly of baking soft drinks to support the arrangement’s capacity to kill the smell.

Q. For What Reason Do Felines Pee In Shoes?

Your Cat Might Be Stressed Out If your feline is attempting to impart an issue, it could happen by peeing in shoes or on different things. Felines have awesome feelings of smell. They can distinguish things you can’t. The present circumstance may be much more conceivable assuming you have your shoes sitting by an external entryway.

Q. For What Reason Do My Shoes Resemble Feline Pee?

He clarified that it’s a known issue with a polyurethane part in the sole separating and additionally decaying because of openness to water. The smell is because of the arrival of alkali.

Q. How Would You Get Pee Out of White Shoes?

Blend one tablespoon of dishwashing fluid in with two cups of cold water in a little bowl. Add one tablespoon of vinegar to the arrangement and delicately mix. Plunge a spotless white fabric into the arrangement. Delicately wipe the pee stain, working from within to the outside of the stain.

Q. Does The Feline Pee Smell Disappear After Some Time?

Feline pee contains uric corrosive, which can the end in rugs, textures, and wood for quite a long time! Albeit baking pop, vinegar, cleanser, and hydrogen peroxide might kill the scents briefly, a moist day can make the uric corrosive recrystallize, and the scandalous “feline smell” will return.

Q. Does Vinegar Eliminate Feline Pee Scent?

Kill it! Then, at that point, you will need to drench the spot with an enzymatic cleaner or essentially make your own cleaning arrangement by consolidating (white or apple juice) vinegar and water in a 1:1 proportion. Since the vinegar is acidic, it will kill the microbes in the feline pee, counterbalancing its smell.

Q. How Would You Get Feline Pee Out of Shoes Reddit?

I douse the whole thing with a shower and afterwards, let it air dry. Could likewise take a stab at baking pop and allow it to sit in the shoes for a day. Likewise allowing them to dry in the sun helps separate what causes the smell. Look on Amazon for some sort of pee eraser splash or cleanser you can purchase.

Q. Does Laundry Detergent Dispose of Feline Pee?

Standard items can go up until this point. Normal clothing cleansers as well as other regular cleaning supplies, like baking pop, vinegar, and hydrogen peroxide, can make the smell disappear, yet all at once this brief. Certain individuals prescribe adding baking pop or vinegar to the wash.

Q. Does Pine Sol Dispose of Feline Pee?

Pine-Sol can be a powerful method for disposing of pet pee smells in covering. For best outcomes, touch undiluted cleaner on your rug with a wipe and allow it to sit for 15 minutes. Wash your wipe and use it with water to eliminate the Pine-Sol from the rug. Rehash as the need might arise.

Q. How Would You Get The Alkali Smell Out of Shoes?

Put a baking soft drink in the culpable shoes. In the event that the cooler stunt doesn’t work, put in a solid portion of baking pop and let the powder assimilate the smell for the time being. Place new orange, grapefruit, lemon, or lime strip into the shoes. The new citrus strip has an incredible smell as a result of its medicinal oils.

Q. What Is The Best Feline Pee Scent Remover?

Our best general pick is the Angry Orange Pet Odor Eliminator, which procures good grades from our analyzer for its viability on both old and new stains. Since it’s a concentrate, however, the recipe should be blended in with water in a different shower bottle.

Q. How Would You Get The Feline Smell Out of Shoes?

Blend one cup white vinegar to three cups water (1:3). Cover the pee-stained thing with this arrangement and permit to sit for a couple of moments. Cover the stained region with baking pop, assuming you wish. Baking soft drinks will work alongside the vinegar to assimilate and kill scent.


With the steps outlined here, you should never have to throw away a perfectly good pair of shoes just because your cat pees on them. However, cleaning your shoes when you find cat urine on them should not be where your efforts stop. It is important to figure out why your cat is urinating on your belongings so you can take steps to deter the behaviour. This is the only way to ensure that you don’t end up having to repeatedly deal with urine-soaked shoes as time goes on.

It can be frustrating to find a pair of shoes that are soaked in cat urine. Luckily, you don’t have to throw them away. With a little elbow grease, you may be able to get rid of the urine smells and stains. Here are a few steps that you can take to get cat urine smells and stains out of leather shoes and any other type of shoe that has been soiled by your cat.

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